Tag Archives: mortality

Age- and sex-specific death data

A colleague asked recently where to find different estimates of age- and sex-specific death counts for comparison purposes, and I told her that there should be some available on GapMinder. This was wrong (although you can compare child mortality rates there), so I did a little digging. Here are the results, in case they are useful for you, too:

If you want to explore the IHME data, here is a little notebook that you can use to get started.

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Filed under global health

Mortality in Iraq paper out

I was traveling last week for a verbal autopsy conference, and now that I’m catching up I can share this: my study on Mortality in Iraq Associated with the 2003–2011 War and Occupation has been published in PLoS Medicine.

It is great that this paper got some media coverage, because it was really hard work. Here are a few examples of how the science looked in the popular press:




New Study Estimates Nearly 500,000 Died in Iraq War


Lots of moving photos in the files to accompany this story!

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Filed under global health

Child Mortality Paper

Check it out, my first published research in global health: Neonatal, postneonatal, childhood, and under-5 mortality for 187 countries, 1970—2010: a systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4. I’m the ‘t’ in et al, and my contribution was talking them into using the really fun Gaussian Process in their model (and helping do it).

I’ve long wanted to write a how-to style tutorial about using Gaussian Processes in PyMC, but time continues to be on someone else’s side. Instead of waiting for that day, you can enjoy the GP Users Guide now.


Filed under global health