Introducing Pseudopeople: simulated person data in python

I’m still settling back into blogging as a custom, so perhaps that is why it has taken me six months to think of announcing our new python package here! Without further ado, let me introduce you to pseudopeople.

It is a Python package that generates realistic simulated data about a fictional United States population, designed for use in testing entity resolution methods or other data science algorithms at scale.

To see it for yourself, here is a three-line quickstart, suitable for using in a Google Colab or a Jupyter Notebook:

!pip install pseudopeople

import pseudopeople as psp



Filed under census, simulation

3 responses to “Introducing Pseudopeople: simulated person data in python

  1. Pingback: AI Assistance for Pseudopeople: GPTs for configuration dicts | Healthy Algorithms

  2. Rif A. Saurous

    Very cool!