Category Archives: simulation

Introducing Pseudopeople: simulated person data in python

I’m still settling back into blogging as a custom, so perhaps that is why it has taken me six months to think of announcing our new python package here! Without further ado, let me introduce you to pseudopeople.

It is a Python package that generates realistic simulated data about a fictional United States population, designed for use in testing entity resolution methods or other data science algorithms at scale.

To see it for yourself, here is a three-line quickstart, suitable for using in a Google Colab or a Jupyter Notebook:

!pip install pseudopeople

import pseudopeople as psp



Filed under census, simulation

Introducing Vivarium (again)

Just before that year of not writing anything here, I mentioned that I have a new microsimulation platform, and it is called Vivarium.  That is still true, and now it even has some documentation: 

It has been the thing that kept me too busy to blog for the last year.  But it did generate some aesthetically pleasing figures for test purposes, as well as some population health results of interest.  More details to come.

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Filed under simulation, Uncategorized